Jared Dunn

Librarian & Community Technologist

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Aug 2010 May 2012

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Graduate School of Library & Information Science



Aug 1997 May 2002

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Cell Biology / Philosophy



Work Experience

Sept 2012 present

Dunn's Lakeland Towing & Repair

Robert Dunn Estate


Various responsibilities associated with closing and selling a family business.

1. Closed the business and ensured that all outstanding accounts were settled.

2. Ensured compliance with local, state, and federal business and environmental regulations (State Fire Marshal, EPA, IRS, others.)

3. Planned and oversaw auction of building contents, followed by staging and sale of the property.

Aug 2011 Aug 2012

University of Illinois Libraries

Graduate Assistant, Reference, Research, and Scholarly Services

Graduate Assistant, Government Information

1. Provided in-person and virtual reference and research services at the Information Desk, with a subject specialty in Government Information.

2. Co-taught information literacy instruction sections for ESL students as well as Savvy Researcher workshops for graduate students and faculty.

3. Developed and taught a Savvy Researcher workshop on scholarly Personal Information Management.

4. Created a new design and information architecture for the Government Information Virtual Library. Initiated usability testing and web analytics for the site. Edited and maintained associated LibGuides and other digital resources.

5. Developed and co-implemented a social media strategy for the Government Information Virtual Library.

Jan 2011 June 2011

University of Illinois Graduate School of LIS

Graduate Hourly, Community Informatics Initiative

Frontend developer for Prairienet.org, a Wordpress-based collaborative digital platform to facilitate, document, and archive community engagement projects at GSLIS

1. Organized department-wide data collection on past and ongoing community engagement projects.

2. Created an information architecture and a data-entry interface to support it. Entered previously collected data.

3. Implemented geotagging, mapping, printer-friendly and portfolio views for the data.

4. Performed marketing and outreach duties, including flyer and poster design, and representation at campus events and symposia.

Jun 2008 Present

Local Progress

Nonprofit Technology Consultant

Local Progress was an attempt to form a civic technology nonprofit, which later developed into a nonprofit consultancy.

1. Built a Drupal-based online community, which set out to match tech-savvy volunteers with community organizations in need of their help.

2. Served on the design committee for GoodWorksConnect, a regional knowledge base and social network for nonprofits.

3. Consulted with nonprofit and community organization clients on web development, social media strategy, office computing and networking, and technology planning projects.

Sep 2003 Jun 2008

The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT

Laboratory Manager

As manager, my primary duties were as an information officer for the lab.

1. Performed day-to-day budgeting and purchasing for multiple NIH and NSF grants with combined budgets exceeding $3m a year.

2. Coordinated grant applications and evaluation, and created and organized documentation of lab policies, procedures, and techniques.

3. Organized travel for faculty and staff, and travel, events, faculty visits, and meals for visiting speakers and scholars.

4. Performed staff trainings and ensured regulatory compliance with DEA, OSHA, NIH, NSF, and other state and federal regulations.

5. Maintained the internal lab network, RAID data storage array, intranet and associated web-based tools, and provided IT support as needed.


UFL Tech Volunteers Dashboard
For my GSLIS practicum project I built a collaborative online tool to organize and document student volunteer work at the Urbana Free Library. This project was recognized with the Information Systems / Technologies Award at the 2012 GSLIS Convocation.

Community Informatics Club
The CI Club is a student service organization focusing on community technology issues. As an officer I organized and participated in a variety of library and community technology service projects in Champaign-Urbana and throughout central Illinois.
GSLIS Town Hall Committees
During my time at GSLIS, public conflicts arose over issues of racial and cultural inclusion in admissions, curriculum, and student life. I became engaged as an ally and advocate, and eventually served on committees formed to address these issues.
UC2B Marketing and Outreach Committee
Through coursework and volunteer projects, I became involved with the Urbana Champaign Big Broadband Project, serving on the Marketing and Outreach Committee and working on multimedia authoring and building relationships with community organizations.
Alternative Spring Break - Tuscola Public Library
This weeklong volunteer project was a great opportunity to learn hands-on about public library administration and technology planning.


Reference | Virtual Reference | Library Research | Government Information | Information Literacy | Personal Information Management | Instruction | Digital Resources | Emerging Technologies | Technology Planning & Evaluation | Cultural Competencies & Diversity
Desktop Computing
MS Office | Adobe Photoshop & Premier | Windows, MacOS & Linux administration | Home & Office Networking | Hardware Troubleshooting | Malware, Security & Online Privacy
Code and Web
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | XML & Structured Data | Some PHP, Python & Perl | Drupal | Wordpress | Joomla | OpenCMS | LibGuides | User Experience | Usability | Accessibility | Interface Design | Responsive Design & Mobile Platforms | Information Architecture | Social Media Strategy
Budgeting & Purchasing | Grant Writing | Grant Compliance | Regulatory Compliance | Documentation | Committee Work | Event Planning | Community Engagement & Outreach


Advocacy, Accessibility, Broadband Adoption, Civic Engagement, Civic Technology, Civil Liberties, Community, Community Development, Community Engagement, Community Organizing, Copyright, Digital Divide, Digital Literacy, Diversity, E-Government, Information Literacy, Intellectual Property, Online Community, Open Access, Open Data, Open Government, Open Source, Public Service, Public Spaces, Public Sphere, Social Capital, Social Justice, Social Media, Social Networks, Usability, User Experience.


References available upon request.